September 20, 2019
At 11:40 EDT am today, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, deflecting away from proven allegations of racism roaring through the media, announced his government would – if elected – “Ban military-style assault weapons and will conduct a buy back program of these types of firearms.” He did not define what that nebulous term “military-style assault weapons” meant nor how the buy-back would be implemented.
He also will allow municipalities to ban handguns within their borders. Trudeau did not describe how this would be enforced or implemented.
Importantly, he did not state how constitution guarantees of equal application of the law to all Canadians would dovetail into increasing restrictions against urban firearms owners.
Don’t the rights of lawful firearms owners count too?
Surrounded by a gaggle of M.P.s, hopefuls and Liberal supporters – and without a single representative of Canada’s 2.2 million firearms owners – Trudeau proved (again) that only certain Canadians enjoy representation within the Liberal party.
And we aren’t one of them.
Tony Bernardo, executive director of the Canadian Shooting Sports Association said,”It’s disappointing, but typical for the Liberals to attack Canada’s 2.2 million lawful firearms owners whenever they get into deep trouble. Canada’s firearms community is the go-to “whipping boy” of the Liberal party- guaranteed to deflect attention away from the latest Liberal scandal of Justin Trudeau’s racist past.”
Trudeau’s hyperbolic rhetoric is purely designed to whip up public sentiment against our community, despite the statistical evidence that firearms owners are the most law-abiding people in our country.
Trudeau’s announcement raises more questions than answers. The Liberals have been unable to define what an “military-style assault weapon” is, or their role within crime.