Spring is upon us and with it comes longer days and extended range hours. This is good news for those of us who enjoy spending time on the range as we can do so for longer and in better weather. To help facilitate the expanded range times, the Range Officers (ROs) are looking for a few new volunteers. Beginning April 11th there are three (3) four-hour time slots that need an RO. They are:

Thursday:      9:00 am until noon
Sunday:          9:00 am until noon and
4:00 pm until 8:00 pm.

So, what do the ROs do you are wondering? They ensure range users have signed in prior to shooting and out at the end of the range session. They collect fees from day passes and memberships. They are familiar with the range rules and help new and experienced members enjoy their sport safely by reminding them of these rules when necessary (don’t worry you do not have to memorize the rule book; we have printed copies). Periodically they inspect the ranges to ensure everyone is following the rules.

If this sounds like something you would be willing to do, please contact Tim Griffin at nanaimofishandgamerenewals@gmail.com . New ROs will be placed with experienced ROs for a couple of shifts in order to get the hang of things. If you have any questions about the RO Program, please contact Tim Griffin and he will be happy to answer your questions.

Steve Corscadden,